Tag Archives: 40 Days & 40 Nights

40D40N – Day 10

So last night I couldn’t even begin to deal with the energy tools (the hell?). Okay so I can guess why but I figured since last night was still day 9 I could attempt for the 30 consecutive from now onwards. It’s just getting a touch frustrating. This morning (day 10) was your standard hat-trick/Bazinga!


Okay, so here’s the thing. I feel like I’m on the verge of something big, some huge development just waiting to burst forth from me. Furthermore, I have this intuitive feeling (set at “a kick in the nuts” intensity) that this is a big part of it. Now we’ve just gotten paypal in South Africa so it’s get-able, the thing is I have no credit card. Oh, you totally accept debit cards? I so have one of those… but your rejecting it. Okay so maybe my sister will get it for me and I can pay her back, but no she doesn’t feel comfortable with online purchases. Fair enough, I can’t even feel annoyed about that (that I had to wait 2 days for any word from her however…). So off to the bank I go. After fanagaling with someone behind the counter they manage to come up with a solution that isn’t a credit card (because I really don’t want one right now and it might mess with my student loan repayments)  which they say is a cheque card which is totally suited for online transactions. And you can totally get it in 5 days. 5 WORKING DAYS! You seriously mean I have to put up with my intuition kicking me in the balls until next week Friday! Oh woe betide you guys if it doesn’t work when it gets here. What’s a real slap in the face though is that having studied Abraham I know that feeling this anguish about not having the card now, about not being able to work through the book now, is only going to cause it to be delayed in entering my experience. Sometimes I hate being aware.

40D40N – Day 5-7

Oh weekends, how disruptive you prove to be. /Tries to jog memory\

Day 4 – part 2

I’m pretty sure I did my evening hypnosis session and some tapping, but I know I didn’t work the energy tools, not once this whole weekend.

Day 5

I did my morning hypnosis session but only got to my mind movies mid afternoon. Tapping was extensive – 20-30 minutes. The evening didn’t go so well in terms of this work. My sister was bored and wanted to go out, so we went out to Fez with my other sister where her friend was DJ-ing. So no evening hypnosis. Not even slightly.

Day 6

No morning hypnosis, to hung-over to deal. I did however tap on the hang-over and it really took the edge off, that was really cool.

Day 7 – part 1

Aah, back into the routine. Sweet, sweet routine (I’m more surprised then you are that I just said that). Did my morning hypnosis, my mind movie tapping and abundance tapping. Also I’ve been really happy for most of the day and genuinly excited about my life. This is in part due to the fact that Duke Nukem Forever is actually getting released and if that game can actually come out, well then there really is nothing that I cannot be, do or have!

40D40N – Day 4

Image by simple_dog via Flickr

Hey all. Right now, right this second as I am typing this, I am tired to the point of stupidity please bare (bear?) with me.

Day 3 – Part 2

Lets see… I only did the limiting belief energy tool and the hypnosis last night. I unfortunately didn’t get around to tapping but I did however have a major revelation about my procrastination but that’s a separate post. I don’t know if that post will be up before Monday because as I mentioned I’m a touch tired at the moment and I have no internet on the weekends. Also, before I forget, a friend of mine won a competition, the prize being R10,000 and a chance to get his book published. Congrats Justin!

Day 4 – Part 1

Did my morning hypnosis session, mind movie tapping session and abundance tapping. Also had the experience today of the universe confirming its abundance to me this morning as well as a few other things that indicate I’m working in the right direction. I’ll elaborate on that when I’m more cogent, so probably Monday then.

40D40N – Day 2

Day 1 – Part 2

So overall yesterday was nice and vibey. Struggled a bit with the last hour of work but things went swimmingly after that. Lets see, I had my tapping session, specifically on procrastination. It didn’t go fully away, but after 30 minutes of tapping stuff comes up you didn’t know you had. Future tapping targets if you will. If you would also like to tap on it, or tap on it at a later stage (see what I did there 😛 ), here is a helpful vid.

Continue reading 40D40N – Day 2

40 Days & 40 Nights: The Free Version

The following is based on an immersion program created by David and Kristin Morelli. From what I can tell it is based on an experiment performed by NASA to test the stress effects of zero gravity on their astronauts. I can’t for the life of me remember where I first read about this experiment, probably Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill, but right now I am using trying to find the source for reference purposes as a form of procrastination. If you would like more information about the experiment, ask and I’ll probably detail it in a follow up post. Getting back on point… I’m sure that the temptation of Christ had something to do with the naming of the program, just to give it that Jungian unconsciousness mythic support. If your interested, you can check there first program here or sign-up for the new one here.

Continue reading 40 Days & 40 Nights: The Free Version